Member To Member Deals

Results Found: 7
10% off regular priced tickets to Georgia Aquarium!
Category: Attractions-Entertainment
Corporate Partnership Program Troy University is proud to partner with local community businesses, organizations and municipalities. The partnership offers a 10% tuition scholarship and free application fee to all full-time employees associated with the Montgomery Chamber.
Category: Colleges & Universities
Columbia Southern University is pleased to have the Montgomery Chamber as a Learning Partner. The Learning Partner Program provides exclusive benefits to the employees/members of the Chamber, as well as all spouses and children. For additional program information: Contact Jim Forsythe - 800-977-8449 ext 1860 or via email
Category: Colleges & Universities
Businesses are going to have IT issues, requirements and needs. That is just a fact. You need problems resolved, technologies kept up to date, invoices simplified, employees trained, cyber security protections put into place and regular meetings to plan, budget and discuss where you are and where you want to be. IT Support plans are a way to bundle important services that you need to keep your business, organization or medical practice running smoothly.
Category: Information Technology Firms