Lesa Carnes Shaul with Midnight Cry: A Shooting on Sand Mountain

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Name: Lesa Carnes Shaul with Midnight Cry: A Shooting on Sand Mountain
Date: November 21, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CST
Event Description:
A new book by Lesa Carnes Shaul is a historical page-turner and terrifying work of true crime that gives insight into the lives of rural Alabamians in a rapidly modernizing world. The work is titled Midnight Cry. Shaul joins us at The NewSouth Bookstore on Thursday, November 21 at 5:30pm for a talk about the work and the historical incident that inspired it, the brutal killing in 1951 of a bootlegger in north Alabama, which also took the lives of several police officers. Afterward, a sixteen-year-old boy would face a series of trials that would divide a county and thrust the state of Alabama into the national spotlight. This book is beautifully written and brings into powerful high relief the place and time in which Midnight Cry is set.
The NewSouth Bookstore 
105 South Court Street
Montgomery, Al 36104
Date/Time Information:
Thursday, November 21, 2024
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Phone: 334-834-3556 Email: Jessala.white@newsouthbookstore.com
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