Montgomery Jam | Global Game Jam

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Name: Montgomery Jam | Global Game Jam
Date: February 3, 2023 - February 5, 2023
Event Description:
TechMGM and Montgomery TechLab are pleased to host Montgomery’s first-ever GLOBAL GAME JAM!  The Montgomery GLOBAL GAME JAM participation will be held at the Lab on Dexter and will kick off on Friday, February 3rd, and run throughout the weekend, concluding on Sunday, February 5th.

Calling all programmers, game architects, artists, story writers, sound designers, and anyone that enjoys designing/creating video games….this event is for you!  The mystery theme will be announced at the kick-off ceremony on Friday. Afterward, folks will be able to join the team they want (recommended team size is 3-5) or be paired up into separate groups. Participants will have an opportunity to create and design their very own video game over the course of the weekend.  The best parts of the event are it is FREE, open to the public (age 16+), and requires NO prior experience!
The GLOBAL GAME JAM happens all over the world once a year and we are thrilled to be able to bring this fun, talent-filled event to the Montgomery community.  If you’re a programmer, sound designer, artist, story writer, IT professional/student or just curious…come out and join us!

Additional information and registration details can be found here: Montgomery Jam | Global Game Jam.
The Lab on Dexter
150 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL  36104
Date/Time Information:
Friday, February 3, 5:00 p.m. thru Sunday, February 5, 2023
Contact Information:
Charisse Stokes
FREE - Registration Details HERE!
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