The NewSouth Bookstore celebrates Women's History Month with its first ever group read!

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Name: The NewSouth Bookstore celebrates Women's History Month with its first ever group read!
Date: April 23, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
March is Women’s History Month. This year, we’re organizing our first bookstore group read — think of it as a one-time, one-book book club — in recognition of it. Our selection for the group read is Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin. The work by Jill Lepore — American historian and journalist on faculty at Harvard University; staff writer at The New Yorker; and author of more than a dozen books — was published in 2013. It was a National Book Award finalist and New York Times Notable Book. It’s a tour-de-force that is simultaneously “a fascinating look at early America, a meditation on one remarkable mind by another, and, implicitly, a biography of all the other Janes—history’s anonymous and overlooked women” (New York Magazine).

With this post we are formally announcing the group read. We have a large stack of copies of the book at The NewSouth Bookstore awaiting purchase ($19). Those wishing to participate may take January through early April to read of the book. We will gather for discussion about it in the bookstore on April 23 at 5:30pm. Sign up is suggested: All are invited, irrespective of sex/gender. Thank you for considering this announcement your personal invitation to be part of what will be an exciting Women’s History Month event!
The NewSouth Bookstore
105 South Court Street
Montgomery, AL  36104
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Contact Information:
Phone: 334-834-3556 Email:
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