Trish O'Kane talk with Birding to Change the World

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Name: Trish O'Kane talk with Birding to Change the World
Date: March 28, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
The NewSouth Bookstore welcomes Trish O’Kane back to Montgomery for a talk about her new book, Birding to Change the World, on Thursday, March 28 at 5:30pm. O’Kane claims she’s an accidental ornithologist. In her nearly two decades spent as an investigative journalist she never paid much attention to nature. Hurricane Katrina changed all that. To read her book is to gain a special perspective on the natural world and one’s relationship with it. It’s a warm and compelling weave of science and social engagement. About the book Bill McKibben comments, “Not just a delightful story but a powerful one, showing how we can open doors into the natural world, and hence into the fight to defend it. Birds as teachers — a wonderful idea!” 
The NewSouth Bookstore
105 South Court Street
Montgomery, AL  36104
Date/Time Information:
March 28, 2024
Contact Information:
Jessala White
No Fee
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