Community Services/Agencies

Results Found: 17 View On Map new search
432 East Jefferson Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
1034 Main Street #319
Gardendale, AL 35071
5015 Woods Crossing Drive
Montgomery, AL 36106
1309 Upper Wetumpka Road
Montgomery, AL 36107
5748 Carmichael Road
Montgomery, AL 36117
5960 East Shirley Lane
Montgomery, AL 36117
The Family Sunshine Center features skilled professionals helping those seeking refuge, a beacon for those escaping the horrors of domestic violence, sexual abuse and sex or labor trafficking.
858 South Court Street
Montgomery, AL 36104

Five Horizons Health Services is a nonprofit offering comprehensive healthcare, HIV/STI testing, treatment, and care, social and support services and telehealth across Alabama and East Mississippi.
2900 McGehee Road
Montgomery, AL 36111
145 Coliseum Boulevard
Montgomery, AL 36109
3570 Carter Hill Road
Montgomery, AL 36111-3414
115 East Jefferson Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
1066 Adams Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104
530 South Lawrence Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
1714 W. 2nd Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36106
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to serving disadvantaged communities in the River Region by providing life necessities to individuals experiencing homelessness.
4137 Carmichael Road
Suite 330 - Office 7
Montgomery, AL 36106
3121 Zelda Court
Montgomery, AL 36106-2607
Crime Victim's Advocacy
422 South Court Street
Montgomery, AL 36104